Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Boise River road land near Parma, ID

Carrie, Morgan and Allison take a spin on the pond.

Josh got the first fish, a small bluegill.

Watermelon and a pond with fish, heaven on earth.

We stopped on the way for a potty stop, Carrie was resting up.

Cindy and Meg get ready to race the other kayakers.

Giant s'mores.

Shoreline view, Carrie and Alison are swimming by their kayak.
We recently bought a 30 acre property with no improvements near Parma.  It has a pond of about 15 acres, our main attraction.  There are many birds and fish, so we should be camping and hunting in style. I saw a wild turkey hen there today.  We'll have our first camping trip this weekend.

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